miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2016

MY CITY by Sofía Guillén Cuerda 4º B

Hello! I'm Sofía Guillén. I live in Albacete.
Albacete is a middle-sized city.
Albacete  is in the southeast of Spain.
It's modern and noisy.
In Albacete there´s a train station,a bus station 

and airport and a Town hall.
There are lots of shops, parks and restaurants.
There are some important buildings like:
San Juan Cathedral, the Circus Theatre, the Museum of Cutlery, the Archeological Museum, the bullring...

And some important parks like: 
Abelardo Sánchez Park, Altozano Park, Lineal Park.
San Juan Cathedral is opposite the Town hall 
and the Museum of Cutlery.

The Circus Theatre is behind the Municipal Museum.

This is the Museum of Cutlery.

The Archeological Museum is in Abelardo Sanchez Park.

The Municipal Museum is next to Altozano Square.
This is my city, I live in it and I LOVE IT!


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